Saturday, March 30, 2024

Coaching in Complexity

Teaching and coaching are complex acts. That’s because our work is with humans, and each is unique. Some professionals work with computers or other equipment, which tend to respond in consistent and predictable ways. Humans, however, are inconsistent and unpredictable. We are spontaneous, whimsical, and variable. That makes teaching and coaching both joyful and challenging!

Adam Grant said, “The complexity of reality can seem like an inconvenient truth."* In teaching, the reality of teaching complexity may be masked by scripted curricula that expect uniformity. But the real work of teaching is seeing students one-by-one. That’s hard to do when they come 30 at a time, but possible, if teachers are open to the complexity.

The Complexity of Teaching
Teaching can be an enormously rewarding activity and an enormously challenging one. It can also be an activity that calls upon all of our mental faculties, an enormous intellectual experience. A high-school teacher may find their content mentally engaging; a kindergarten teacher may not be challenged by the simple mathematical knowledge his students are acquiring, but the pedagogical knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge necessary for optimal learning are immense.

Teaching is a complex, contextualized activity requiring multi-factor decision-making. Planning an effective lesson requires understanding; adjusting that plan appropriately as the lesson unfolds requires insight and flexibility. Because Instruction and learning are complicated, it isn’t possible to have a pre-packaged description of how to respond in every situation. The nuances of moment-by-moment instructional decision-making offer opportunities to enact a vision for effective instruction.

Teaching is complex and messy because teachers and students are unique. There will never be a perfect lesson plan or a perfectly-taught lesson. Teaching is improvable, but not perfectible because classrooms are complex contexts. Improvement in the complicated work of student learning occurs only when teachers are empowered to discover and discern. Privileging examination of teachers’ own practice as a way to improve instruction values teachers and teaching and the work they do every day.

The Complexity of Coaching

Because classrooms and schools are complex, coaches can’t provide lessons that can be lifted and used “as is” in the classroom. They can’t provide one-size-fits-all solutions to gnarly problems. Instead, coaches provide guidance for developing best practices and for maintaining a stance of flexibility and responsiveness. Instructional coaching improves the complex and contextual work of teaching through sustained engagement that uses and grows insider expertise. Coaching provides a space for teachers to unpack experiences and think about both the observable and the inner work of teaching.

Coaching includes considerations about teaching, learning, relationships, and the change process. Successful coaches adjust based on the complexity and difficulty of the task, as well as teachers’ experience. The Gradual Increase of Responsibility (GIR) model, pictured below, provides a vision for differentiating coaching work. The GIR model is conceptually simple. In practice, however, each of the five coaching approaches is complex and nuanced.

When coaches model (the most supportive GIR coaching move), teachers observe real students in the complex chemistry of a classroom. They are freed from the ongoing, intensive brainwork of teaching and can give their energy to watching and listening. They can notice the nuances of student and teacher actions and interactions, allowing them the freedom to consider both teacher and student responses in a way that would have been difficult had they been the one teaching the lesson. Coaches and teachers dissect these intricacies together through conversations before and after the observation.

Whether it is the coach or the teacher who has taught a lesson, a post-observation conversation can be anchored in observations that are objective and specific, revealing nuances of practice that enhance teachers’ learning.

To promote learning, coaches model decision-making, elicit teachers’ thinking, encourage inquiry, guide teachers to focus on evidence of student learning, and support reflection. By bringing focus to complex, open-ended pedagogical issues, coaches position teachers to inquire and learn.

Because of the complexity of the learning process, teachers may benefit when coaches make specific recommendations about how instruction should change over time to support students’ development. Our precise questions can invite precise responses and express our genuine curiosity about the complexity of teaching.

Coaches also offer guidance through affirmation and praise. Practices that teachers know are working become polar stars to help them navigate the demands of their classrooms.

Growth, Not Perfection
As coaches and teachers unpack the complexities of instruction, Insight and power are gained by working together. We can adjust and apply what we learn about teaching and coaching in varied and unique situations. In complex, real-world circumstances, answers do not come neatly packaged; knowledge and skills are insufficient. When confronted with new challenges and contexts, insight guides effective response. This includes how we respond as coaches to our own complex work.

Recognizing complexity, we know there is no quick fix that is true for every classroom or coaching quandary. No one will every know all there is to know about either. No one will do it perfectly. But there’s some free-ness I knowing that you’ll never know it all, that you’ll never do it perfectly. We just jump in and give it our best go. And then we reflect and learn something from the experience, and maybe we’ll do it a little better the next time around – or maybe not. Because teaching and coaching are complex. No two days, no two students, no two teachers are ever the same. Hopefully, that variability will keep us coming back for more!  

*In Think Again: The Power of Knowing What You Don't Know
This week, you might want to take a look at:
How poetry can build emotional intelligence (April is National Poetry Month!):

Having a tight focus (one or two school-wide initiatives) supports growth:

Teaching English vocabulary in context:

Vocabulary in science instruction:

The importance of student reflection on writing:

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!
Want more coaching tips? Check out my book, Differentiated Mentoring & Coaching in Education: From Preservice Teacher to Expert Practitioner, available from Teachers College Press!  I’m so excited to share it with you! TODAY you can still use the code: MAR2024 for 20% off. Click  here  and I’ll email you the free Book Group Study Guide that includes questions, prompts, and activities you can use as you share the book with colleagues.  I hope you’ll love this book as much as I loved making it for you!
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Saturday, March 23, 2024

Present But Not Predominant

It’s important for coaches to be fully present in coaching interactions, but we must take care not to be predominant. Predominant, according to Webster, means exerting the most-marked influence. Predominance means being the most important or leading factor. When a coach is predominant, she has an air of authority and exerts undue power over the teacher she is working with. A predominant coach is leading, in the sense that they are guiding someone to a predetermined location, maneuvering them to their own point of view.
Coaches can be a different, more effective kind of leader by being present. When coaches are present, they listen to understand. They don’t interrupt. They don’t start thinking about what they want to say while a teacher is talking – instead, they tune in completely to what the teacher is saying. They are listening to understand. When coaches are fully present, they put aside distracting thoughts and try to think about nothing other than the words that are coming out of the teacher’s mouth. They listen for the ideas that are wrapped up in those words, for the complete message that is being communicated.
If you want to be more fully present, practice deeply listening, noticing, feeling, and being open to the moment.  Do less multitasking. To be less distracted, you may need to deliberately slow down a frenetic pace, creating breathing space so that you can be aware and stay focused. As a coach, it can be hard to be fully present because of the many concerns swirling in your head. It may take a concerted effort to be present. Presence takes practice. To be present, we have to create breathing space so that we can be aware and find focus.
To be present during coaching means giving full attention to what is happening in the right now. When present, our brains focus on what is currently going on rather than thinking about what we will say or do later – the now instead of the next.
Being present during coaching means observing with clarity and from a place of positive assumptions and empathy. We can choose to perceive with openness and generosity. We are noticing teachers’ questions and quandaries. We also sense whether teachers are engaged in the conversation, and we make adjustments as needed. During classroom observations, we are tuned in to both teachers and students. We notice what we hear, see, and feel and what the teachers and students might be hearing, seeing, and feeling. If our minds wonder, we can pull ourselves back to the present by paying attention to the details from each of our senses.
Presence stems from full attention and flow of information. When we are present, our next right move will be responsive to others and to the situation. Predominance creates boundaries. But when coaches are present, boundaries collapse, creating opportunities for connection and growth.
This week, you might want to take a look at:

Ideas to get students reading and writing poetry (April is National Poetry Month!):
7 Ways to support executive function in the classroom:
Taking small steps to continuous improvement:
Summarizing in science:
What are trauma-informed practices?
That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!
Want more coaching tips? Check out my book, Differentiated Mentoring & Coaching in Education: From Preservice Teacher to Expert Practitioner, available from Teachers College Press!  I’m so excited to share it with you! TODAY you can still use the code: MAR2024 for 20% off. Click  here  and I’ll email you the free Book Group Study Guide that includes questions, prompts, and activities you can use as you share the book with colleagues.  I hope you’ll love this book as much as I loved making it for you!
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Follow on Instagram @Vicki_Collet_Educator, on Facebook at: and Twitter @vscollet for more coaching and teaching tips!  You can also find me at

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Talk is Not Collaborating

Musical augmentation changes a melody by increasing the value of each note. Lengthening the notes opens the music to “add dignity and impressiveness.” Augmentation creates a sense of majesty or expansion. Collaboration, like musical augmentation, can increase the value of each contribution and expand ideas.
Coaches are not always collaborators. At times, they best serve as mirrors or sounding boards. But it’s important to understand elements of collaboration for those times when you do act as a collaborative partner and for when you support the collaboration of others.
What is Collaboration?
Collaboration is pushing an idea forward together. Collaborative conversations connect thoughts and build momentum. We take an idea and jointly make it better. Collaboration is a collective discussion about how to do something. It’s a lot of back and forth. We pull each other up. We talk with each other, not at each other.
Collaboration is not like an ineffective turn-and-talk, with each saying their own piece and then it’s done. It’s not like toddler play, with two-year-olds side-by-side narrating their own Duplex constructions. It’s more like preschool sociodramatic play: “Okay, I’ll be the mom and you play sister, and we’re going to the store.” When we collaborate, we’re in the adventure together.
How Can Coaches Create Collaboration?
Time and expectations help collaborative relationships form. To support collaboration, we can:
·       Promote a spirit of inquiry
·       Prioritize pausing (before and after comments)
·       Paraphrase what we are hearing
·       Ask for clarification
·       Share ideas as possibilities rather than answers
·       Assume that everyone is bringing their best self
We can keep conversations on target. If an unhealthy culture of complaining exists, we can listen for a potentially-solvable problem. We can create flexible agendas. We can listen with openness. Whether it’s just you and one other teacher or you’re working with a whole team, these practices help to create collaborative relationships.
Once collaborative relationships and norms have been built, collaboration can happen anywhere, anytime, in the nooks and crannies of the school day and also in the scheduled, focused times we have together.
Collaboration is More Than Talking
Collaboration is a think tank. It is productive talk where the sum is more than the pieces. It’s hard to say where one person’s idea ends and another’s begins. The ideas are our ideas. As we process together, our goal is not just to fill in a lesson template. We combine our experience, knowledge, skills, and strategies, back and forth, back and forth, to think through all the pieces, consider research and resources, and be open to different options. We discuss thoroughly and create potential plans and solutions.
Collaboration might be embedded in our coaching work with individual teachers and teams. It might also be the eventual goal of our coaching work – to create interdependence, as illustrated in the GIR model (below). Like musical augmentation, collaboration can increase the value of each individual note, creating a satisfying expansion as the finale of a coaching cycle.
This week, you might want to take a look at:

This video on helping students create ABC priority lists:
Helping students build their own stories of perseverance:
Ideas for coaxing poems (April is National Poetry Month!):
Teach thinking by supporting noticings:
Ideas for better partner and small group conversations:
That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!
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Follow on Instagram @Vicki_Collet_Educator, on Facebook at: and Twitter @vscollet for more coaching and teaching tips!  You can also find me at
Want more coaching tips? Check out my book, Differentiated Mentoring & Coaching in Education: From Preservice Teacher to Expert Practitioner, available from Teachers College Press!  I’m so excited to share it with you! TODAY you can still use the code: MAR2024 for 20% off. Click  here  and I’ll email you the free Book Group Study Guide that includes questions, prompts, and activities you can use as you share the book with colleagues.  I hope you’ll love this book as much as I loved making it for you!

Saturday, March 9, 2024

Coaching for Teacher Creativity

“I took out the earbuds, and I started having ideas again!”
When I read that sentence, it hit me with force. I’ve become a bit of a podcast junky, and I often listen to articles and audio books as I get other things done. I realized my mind was usually crowded with other people’s ideas, leaving little space for my own. I started wondering whether that was also true for the teachers I coached. Were other people’s ideas – in the form of curricula, TPT, and even my own recommendations to them – smothering their own creativity?
Creativity is a teacher attribute worth nurturing. So I’ve decided to brainstorm with teachers before we open the teacher’s guide, not after. We’ll play with a blank page before we search online for a template. We’ll consult the literature to confirm our hunches about best practice. We’ll envision the students’ faces in our minds and think about their needs. We’ll play through a potential plan in our heads, imagining how students will respond at each turn. We’ll figure out a fun, new way rather than revising an old plan. It sounds refreshing! It sounds like spring!
To coach for creativity, we can:
·       Begin by promoting presence (take a deep breath, play Jenga for 5 minutes)
·       Ask “Why?” and also “Why not?”
·       Consider a situation from multiple perspectives
·       Expect surprises
·       Display art
·       Challenge a belief
·       Go outside
·       Catch a fleeting thought
·       Stand up. Move.
·       Ask the teacher to sketch a situation
·       Detach from our own opinions
·       Generate as many ideas as possible before settling  

Get creative! See how many other ideas you can come up with for supporting teachers’ creativity!
Unfortunately, teachers frequently experience stress, isolation, challenges, discouragement, and stagnation. As an antidote, research suggests that creativity relieves stress, encourages teamwork, supports problem solving, boosts morale, and can drive personal development.
With all this creating, of course, there will be failures. But we’ll fail in increasingly interesting ways! The benefits of coaching for creativity are too good to miss!
This week, you might want to take a look at:
March madness in the classroom:
Drop in visits for coaching connections:
Get ready for National Poetry Month in April with these recommendation of novels in verse:
Picture book biographies with older students in mind (introduce scientists, artists, and historical figures in a friendly way!):
Strategies to calm young brains (that work for old brains, too!):
That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!
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Follow on Instagram @Vicki_Collet_Educator, on Facebook at: and Twitter @vscollet for more coaching and teaching tips!  You can also find me at
Want more coaching tips? Check out my book, Differentiated Mentoring & Coaching in Education: From Preservice Teacher to Expert Practitioner, available from Teachers College Press!  I’m so excited to share it with you! TODAY you can still use the code: MAR2024 for 20% off. Click  here  and I’ll email you the free Book Group Study Guide that includes questions, prompts, and activities you can use as you share the book with colleagues.  I hope you’ll love this book as much as I loved making it for you!

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Champion in a Division of One

This week, I listened to an episode* where the podcasters described the experiences of their daughter Lily, a teenager with Down Syndrome, who won two gold medals recently at their state swim meet. Even though she was the last one still in the water in both of her heats, when it came time to announce the medals, they found out that Lily was in her own division – and she won first place both times. They described Lily’s joy as she stood in the top spot on the podium and waved, Olympic style, at the cheering crowd. Even though she was competing only against herself in the state meet, Lily had worked hard all season for those gold medals. She’d consistently shaved time off her finishes, and that day, both times were personal records.
As instructional coaches, we can make sure each teacher we work with sees herself in a “division of one.” Her challenges and goals are unique to her situation. She will have daily wins (and occasional setbacks) as she moves toward her goal in her own way, By the end of the coaching cycle, hopefully she’ll experience a PR in the goal that she’s set.
For example, Sarah’s goal was to improve whole-group discussion. During a read-aloud lesson, she focused on asking text-dependent questions throughout the book. For another lesson, she wrote out a few questions in advance, using a “Depth of Knowledge” chart to craft meaningful open-ended questions. In later lessons, she focused on wait time and making sure many students had the opportunity to respond (not the same fallback students who she could always count on to answer). The lesson that the coach observed near the end of their coaching cycle was a PR for the teacher, who felt confident about facilitating meaningful whole-class discussion.
Imagine the power of each teacher you work with becoming a champion in a division of one!  Imagine if they pass this mindset along to their students!  Imagine that you, too, see yourself in a division of one as you improve your own coaching skills. Hopefully having this mindset will help you, and those you serve, make meaningful progress.

This week, you might want to take a look at:

Harness the power of self-directed learning:
Arts vs. crafts:
What is number sense and why is it important:
Teaching is a creative profession. Here are 10 ways to boost creativity:
Teacher well-being podcast:
That’s it for this week - Happy Coaching!
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Follow on Instagram @Vicki_Collet_Educator, on Facebook at: and Twitter @vscollet for more coaching and teaching tips!  You can also find me at
Want more coaching tips? Check out my book, Differentiated Mentoring & Coaching in Education: From Preservice Teacher to Expert Practitioner, available from Teachers College Press!  I’m so excited to share it with you! TODAY you can still use the code: MAR2024 for 20% off. Click  here  and I’ll email you the free Book Group Study Guide that includes questions, prompts, and activities you can use as you share the book with colleagues.  I hope you’ll love this book as much as I loved making it for you!


This week, you might want to take a look at: