Saturday, October 26, 2019


When I take my three-year-old grandson home from a visit, his part of the conversation goes something like this:  Why are the windshield wipers on? Why is it raining?  Why are we turning this way? Why are you driving slow?  Why are you driving fast?  You get the picture.  Clearly, he has learned the power of the word why. 

Although most of us have lost the incessant curiosity of a three-year-old, as coaches it might be helpful for us to use the word why more often.  When questions are at the core of our thinking, we can engage the intellectual curiosity of the teachers we are working with.

That’s what Andi did when working with a group of high-school English teachers.  With the ACT test coming up for their juniors, test prep was on their minds.  They had identified grammar and punctuation rules as an area of need based on previous assessment data and evidence from student work.  A conversation grew around Andi’s questions: “What is the overall goal you want to achieve regarding punctuation?” and “Why is it important for them to understand punctuation or at least how to use it?”

Liz responded that, “They need to know how to be clear,” and Cherie followed up with, “Well, they need to know how to write when they go to college.”  Andi’s questions helped teachers extend their focus from a narrow goal of doing well on the upcoming test to one with broader application.  

As they planned a lesson with this purpose in mind, Andi again asked questions.  When they discussed how students’ Native American cultural heritage meant that speaking out in class might press against cultural norms, Andi asked, “By what other means might they show they understand what you are teaching them besides answering aloud?”  Through discussion, they ended up planning an effective, interactive lesson where students worked collaboratively in small groups, moving from station to station to create sentences with varied structure and punctuation from strips with words and phrases.  Andi’s questions supported design of a lesson that was culturally appropriate, authentically purposeful, and highly engaging for students.

Andi’s questions challenged teachers to find a better way than the worksheets they had previously used for grammar instruction.  Teachers were engaged and intrigued.  They had energy for the task because they were curious.  Andi’s questions encouraged them not only to think, but to rethink what they had done previously when teaching grammar.  Her questions generated collective learning.

Teachers will give their full effort when coaches ask questions and challenge them to find answers, rather than when we tell them what to do.  Asking question shifts the thinking to teachers, creating energy and intelligence.  Teachers are interested and immersed in the work.

As you take up the role of questioner, be careful not to generate both the questions and the answers.  A poor questioner asks only questions he already knows the answers to.  His questions feel like a test of other people’s knowledge.  A good questioner opens a genuine inquiry.  Coaches don’t have to spread their intelligence across both asking questions and finding all the answers.  Recognizing that we don’t have to have all the answers frees us to ask the really hard, thought-provoking questions – the kind that will lead a teacher or team through rich inquiry.

Asking good questions creates a vacuum that needs to be filled: there is space between what we know and what we need to know, what we can currently do and what we need to be able to do.  Closing that space requires effort and action.  The positive tension that is created raises the motivation for figuring it out.

When you ask a question, you may already have an opinion about the topic.  But bite your tongue and be ready to listen more than you speak.  The one who does the talking does the learning (true in the classroom and in coaching!).  When we tell less and ask more, teachers’ contributions may surpass even what they thought they had to give.  Being challenged, and rising to that challenge, is a rewarding experience.

When coaches focus the good minds of teachers in important inquiry, together we can figure out how to meet students’ needs.  Probably the most important role we can play as coaches is focusing on the right issues and asking the right questions.  

This week, you might want to take a look at:

3 Ways to More “Aha” Moments in Coaching:

A great conversation about dealing with distraction:

A list of suggestions for establishing positive relationships with parents:

A podcast on norms that can lead to teacher burnout:

This video about singing in science (ideas applicable for any subject!):

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

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Friday, October 18, 2019

Extreme Question Challenge

Asking questions is the pivotal coaching move – the shift that takes us from a consulting to a cognitively-challenging stance.  It’s the central move in the GIR model.  Yet, time and again, coaches tell me it’s the hardest shift to make along the Gradual Increase of Responsibility model for coaching.  It can be difficult to break the habit of making recommendations, even when teachers we are working with don’t need them.

As I read about the “Extreme Question Challenge,” in Liz Wiseman’s book, Multipliers, I couldn’t help but make a coaching connection and think about how the challenge might help coaches make a difficult shift.  Liz describes a time when she was complaining to a colleague about how, at home, she had become “the bossy mom,” constantly barking orders and telling her kids what to do.  Her colleague offered an interesting challenge: “Try speaking to your children only in the form of questions. No statements, no directives, no orders. Just questions.” Although the idea at first seemed ludicrous, Liz decided to give it a try for one evening. As the dreaded bedtime routine rolled around, Liz asked, “What time is it?” One child responded, “It’s bedtime.” “What do we do when we get ready for bed?” Liz asked.  Liz’s children responded to all of her questions, leading themselves through the bedtime routine that was typically such a struggle. 

Liz said she was shocked and wondered, “What has happened to my children? How long have they known how to do this?”  She kept up the experiment for a couple of days before returning to more normal conversational patterns.  Liz said she discovered her kids knew how to do a lot more things than she had thought.

Impressed by this revelation, she decided to try the experiment with the business team she managed.  Liz reported that she found her team to be even smarter than she previously thought!  She realized they didn’t need her to tell them what to do, but, rather, they needed her to ask them intelligent questions.

So, what do you think?  Are you ready to try the Extreme Question Challenge in coaching?  To force a change in habit, you could make a short-term, 100% commitment.  Try it for one meeting.  If you think the shift in conversational pattern might seem abrupt or strange to teachers, tell them you are experimenting with your coaching role.  Then go for it and see what happens!  As the teachers you are working with take up the increased intellectual challenge, it’s likely there will be greater collective learning – for the teachers and for you! 

Once a coach accepts that she doesn’t have to have all the answers, she is free to ask bigger questions.  Together, you and the teachers you are coaching can figure out things you don’t yet know.  Full effort comes when people see a challenge they can respond to.  Brains will be stretched as you each reach for the next inquiry and response.  

This week, you might want to take a look at:

Three ways to manage a chatty classroom:

Why kids need play:

Play is good for adults, too:

How to stay in the profession:

5 essentials for coaching success:

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

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Friday, October 11, 2019

Working with “Pumpkin Patch Teachers”

In honor of October, I’m reposting “Working with ‘Pumpkin Patch Teachers,'" the post that went viral in October 2016.  It’s my most-read post of all time! 

Are you working with a teacher who is desperately hanging on to old ways of doing things? Jennifer Schwanke calls these teachers “Pumpkin Patch Teachers,” referencing a social studies teacher she knew who, every year around Halloween, made each student buy a pumpkin and dress it up as a character from American history…..even after American history was no longer part of her grade level standards. The project should have disappeared, but didn’t, because it was fun, easy, and enjoyed by both the teacher and her students.

Working with Pumpkin Patch teachers can be discouraging. Over the years I’ve noticed a few coaching strategies that encourage reluctant teachers to embrace innovation—or at least try something new! Here are a few ideas you might consider when working with reluctant teachers:

I frequently espouse the merits of modeling, and this coaching move can encourage change with teachers who are highly-invested in the status quo. Seeing a strategy work, especially in her own class with her own students, can nudge a teacher in a new direction.

Providing opportunities for peers to share ideas with one another about implementing a new strategy can also be helpful. Sometimes hearing about something in a slightly different way makes it resonate. And colleagues often share similar contexts and concerns, making their insights especially helpful.

Finding a way to provide resources can also move the change process along. What teacher doesn’t like new stuff for her classroom? Beg, borrow, and reallocate to get materials into the hands of reluctant teachers. Then review the new resources with the teacher so they don’t end up gathering dust on a shelf.

Offer time. That is one thing teachers never have enough of. For hard-to-reach teachers, covering her class (by teaching yourself or, better yet, arranging for a sub) can give the teacher time to plan for implementing new ideas. If you are not able to be with the teacher during this released time, provide structures that will support planning, and then follow up.

Asking questions can provide a segue into non-threatening suggestions. If you observe, ask questions afterward about instructional decisions. The teacher’s responses will give you insight about her purposes and open opportunities for offering recommendations in ways that are more likely to be welcomed.

Offer support. “Would you like me to look for resources for you?” “Do you have a unit coming up that you’d like help revising?” Specific offers of help are less likely to be turned away than more general overtures.

Pumpkin patch teachers may require some extra effort on the front end, but with support they’re likely to become just as loyal to the new ideas as they were to the old!

This week, you might want to take a look at:

Praising the process and goal-setting to develop a growth mindset:

This is a long but important article about how educators talk to parents. Scroll down to the “we have to” section that starts with the bolded: Drop the Educational Lingo. Share #1, #2, & #4 before parent teacher conferences. Please!

Reports and blogs on the National Day on Writing will inspire you to inspire others:

Making sure asking: “Does it make sense?” makes sense:

That’s it for this week. Happy Coaching!

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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Notice & Name

In his book, Choice Words, Peter Johnston (2004) reminds teachers to help students observe closely and look for patterns, noticing and naming what they see. Johnston suggests that this practice invites students to make sense of information.  The same practice can be applied with teachers during a coaching conversation.  By noticing and naming features of a lesson, we support effective instruction.

Our noticings can include recognition of the different ways students responded during the lesson.  Encourage the teacher you are working with to describe something he saw or heard and tell why it matters, and you can do the same. Using the sentence stem, “I saw” or “I heard” can keep the conversation focused on evidence of student learning.  Connecting these noticings to statements of importance (What did I notice and why does this matter?) helps us link our noticings to practice.   For example, we might notice, “I saw that when students were standing up around their table during the small group work, they moved the manipulatives more.”  Our “Why does this matter?” might be: “Students are more interactive when they are standing.” These statements of importance require us to make inferences. Our noticings about student learning usually signal aspects of effective instruction that transcend the specific lesson – generalizable take-aways that the teacher can use again and again.  Asking, “Why does it matter?” also helps us develop beliefs based on these conclusions, and we determine future actions that seem right based on our beliefs.

As coaches, we can also notice and name the brilliant things teachers do.  As we watch teachers at work, we can find their individual genius and label it.  When we think about what the teacher seems to do well almost without effort, we have identified an area of brilliance!  For example, Sarah is a first-grade teacher who listens carefully to student responses and uses those responses to build students’ understanding.  When I mentioned this to Sarah, she smiled shyly and was humbly pleased, but surprised!  Sometimes areas of strength come so automatically that teachers may not even be aware of their own genius.  By shining a spotlight on things the teacher does well, we build their confidence and encourage more of the same.  Even better if we can name these attributes around their colleagues, who then know where to turn with questions about the practice.

By noticing and naming what is working for students and teachers, we build on successes and improve instruction!

Reflecting with teachers is something I’m passionate about!  You can read more about it in my book, Collaborative Lesson Study, which is now 1 month old.  J  It’s available here (20% discount code is TCP2019).  If you’d like to join the free Facebook book club for the book, click here. 

This week, you might want to take a look at:

This TeachThought podcast where I talk about Lesson Study and how it values teachers and teaching:

A video about using peer teaching to review homework and build students’ understanding:

Why books, and the conversations about them, matter:

How movement and exercise support learning:

Scroll down for 7 student engagement strategies (even though it says for reading instruction, these apply generally):

That’s it for this week.  Happy Coaching!

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